Crisis Of The Soul

Hi folks, Evin here. I am quietly pleased with myself that I’ve actually, finally, managed to start this blog. Even if it is just me screaming into the void. My social media presence is basically Twitter (or ‘X’, as our Elon Overlord wants us to refer to it as. Good luck with that) and Facebook. But I gotta start somewhere. Trying to start up a comic blog and spreading the word on the sinking ship that is Twitter right now is up there with when I tried to start up an in-person Comic Book meetup just before a global pandemic broke out. My timing, as always is impeccable. But at least its good comedic timing.

My ramble this time is regarding the recent announcement of the Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Animated Movie being in production. As someone who recently reviewed (in incredibly vivid detail) the Crisis maxi-series, I’ve given some thought on what a film based on the material would look like. As much as I am on board with this announcement and I have every confidence they would do well, here’s a dream wish list of what I would like to see, that I know I won’t get. And honestly, it may very well be too much to ask.

Request # 1 – More than one movie

It needs more than 1 movie. At least 2 movies, ideally 3. There is a hell of a lot of story in those 12 issues of Crisis and with one movie, I foresee a substantial amount of story getting cut out of subsequent script drafts. Sure, there is plenty that can be pushed aside to allow for a tighter, more focused drama, but the sheer volume of characters that can cameo, the background and necessity of some of the main players that will need to be explored and showcased and the weight of impact on some key moments would mean a longer amount of story minutes to do this story proper justice. Two movies would work well with the death of Supergirl the natural end point of movie # 1, but with 3 movies, there is an opportunities to better explore elements within the story that went unexplained or left lingering. I would have movie # 1 focus on the problem, really give weight and angst to the coming disaster, tease out the bad guy and play out the summoning of heroes (even change up the roster, should they feel the need) and the defence of the tuning forks. End with the death of the Monitor, the end of all there is and introduce the Anti-Monitor believing success is his. Movie # 2 reveals the nature of the threat, the origins of the characters and the motives of our villains, the heroes returning to their worlds to consider Alex Luthors plan, their struggles against the natural disasters and the time displacement and the battle with the Red Tornado. I’d also have the death of the Flash set before the battle of the Heroes against the Anti-Monitor because the death of Supergirl is such a tense, dramatic moment which should conclude Movie # 2. Movie # 3 would be the battle against the Super-Villains, the eventual team up, two teams go back in time with their missions, the birth of the new earth and the last fight against the Anti-Monitor. Also spend a bit of time to properly conclude the series. Not a “Lord of the Rings” amount of time, but a proper, fitting conclusion.

Request # 2 – Give us more

Crisis on Infinite Earths packs a lot into their 12 issues, but there is a lot that comes with little explanation. There is opportunity to give more context to some plot points. Why is Alexander Luthor so special? What are the nature of his powers and how has he learnt of them? He is capable of a lot in the comics. A lot that feels appropriate for the moment… We could have this feel more organic.

Lyla could do with a backstory. The Monitor saves her from a shipwreck, a newly orphaned girl, but little else is known. She is such an integral part of the series and a fascinating and emotive character, that any added layers of insight and development for Lyla will only raise the stakes and allow for more drama.

Once the bad guy is defeated, the heroes return to the ‘new Earth’ to get on with their lives. There was funerals and clean ups and recovery. But at some point all memory and all trace of the Crisis was erased from the universal consciousness and the whats, whys, hows and whens of this was never shown.

And often, some of the heroes in action scenes are just a panel or two. To be able to linger a little more on the superhuman feats of our favourite and obscure super friends would make for some exciting viewing. There are story threads that are left dangling and are only elaborated on in tie-in comics or not at all. These most likely will be left out but would be good to see these subplots given room to breathe. The Justice League studying the remains of Red Tornado only to have his body blow up taking the JLA satellite with it and heroes scattered away. Or a body found in a Detective convention for a collection of prominent DC sleuths. Or any and all of the Monitor Tapes!

Ideally, leave nothing out, but please add more in!

Request # 3 – More cameos

What was exciting and brilliant about Crisis was the efforts of Wolfman and Perez to squeeze in so many DC Characters from their illustrious past to the present day. Such a library of cast members, you would not only find your favourite hero or villain, but there was also every chance you’d catch a glimpse of that one character you had a soft spot for. Imagine an animated movie where you could spend forever pausing the screen and identifying every rando that pops up in the background.  How cool would it be to find cameos of characters that never appeared in the series? The plot involves time displacement, so we see examples of characters from all across the timeline. It would be easily explained to see future creations such as Lobo, Hitman, Azrael, Zauriel, Tomorrow Woman, Aztek, Artemis, Spoiler, Kyle Rayner, Wave Rider, Harley Quinn, Rocket Red, etc.

It ain’t gonna happen, I get it. And whatever is produced, I’m all in and I’m sure I will love it. But geez, it would be sweet if they bloat out this one. Dc’s premier milestone comic series deserves the best cinematic experience. I dare to dream the powers that be do it proper justice. Maybe in a parallel universe somewhere…

Comic News

Secret Wars is back! Everything old is new again. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the classic Secret Wars series, we’re being treated to a 4 issue return to Battleworld, with new revelations to add to the story. We are promised: “revelations beyond the Beyonder’s true motives, shocking appearances by characters that you didn’t even know fought in the Secret Wars, and more.”

Were we robbed of some additional Secret Wars tie-in toys??! I guys its never too late. Secret Wars: Battleworld #1 goes on sale on November 22nd. Written by TOM DEFALCO, Art by PAT OLLIFFE.

If you’re a fan of the Han Solo Star Wars movie (and I am most definitely one) this is very welcome news. One the many things they nailed in that film was the casting and Donald Glovers Lando was an inspired choice. And Donald Glovers Lando performance was exceptional. Donald is obviously an exceptional multi-talent and its exciting to hear he will be a creative force behind the scenes, co-writing with his brother. I’m very excited to see how this one turns out. My expectationometer is set to very high!

Loki Season 2 hits up on October 6! Poster and trailer have dropped.

The “I Am Groot” series of shorts were cute and fun, exactly as you’d expect. These brief little vignettes was some ones idea of playful add-on storytelling leaning into the popularity of the adorable naivety of Baby Groot. I had no idea it was a “Season 1”, so am quite surprised of a Season 2. But its more amusing content, so yeah, have at it Disney.

Those pesky writer / actor strikes are messing up the schedule. But its for a good cause and I have MORE than enough content to get through in the meantime, so do what you gotta do writers! Studios: Pay your people properly!

Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse was due to open March 29, 2024 but is delayed indefinitely.

Kraven the Hunter was due to open October 6, 2023 but is delayed now to August 30, 2024.

So… What’s Goin’ on?

I was excited to get along to the Box Hill Fair AND the Giant-Sized Toy Fair on Sunday the 13th of August. Targeting the same type of customers with 2 fairs on the same day feels kinda risky! Thankfully the fairs were about a 15 minute drive from each other. I kept my comic wish list handy and fingers nimble as I danced through many sellers long boxes. Scored the 4 issue mini-series Fantastic Four vs X-Men (1987) and the first 8 issues of Clandestine, which were on my hunt file. Next up:

Bendi-Con 2023 is on Sunday the 27th of August, which has been growing bigger and better each year. If you’re in the area, or looking for an excuse for a drive, I suggest checking it out. I’m looking forward to it!

August 27 – Bendi-Con 2023 – Bendigo, VIC – $16.30 per adult entry

A new TMNT movie is out soon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem hits cinemas September 7. Not yet sure I’ll catch this one in the cinema, as much as I enjoy some TMNT action, I’m not overtly enthusiastic.

The Blue Beetle is on our cinematic screens September 14 with the DCU’s latest outing. Will this tie into previous DC films? A stand alone? Or does James Gunn have plans for Jaime Reyes down the line? And stick around for post credit scenes! Apparently there’s a bunch of ’em.

The first 2 episodes of Start Wars: Ahsoka drops August 23rd, 11am if you have nothing better to do! That’s the dream…

Spotlight On…

Let’s learn about a bit of comic book history: Comic professional profile, moment in history, landmark character or issue, etc.

I was reading the classic “Avengers: The Kree / Skrull War” story and a little shocked to this panel of Hank Pym in his Yellowjacket persona hitting his wife Janet van Dyne knocking her unconscious as the giant dragonfly flies her to safety, in Avengers issue #90. Could this be that infamous scene of Hanks domestic abuse I had been tangentially aware of? I can’t recall if it was an in-story reference or mentioned in a letters column, but I remember being aware of this controversial portrayal in my early reading.

But no! This dramatic scene occurred in Avengers issue # 213. So I was a little stunned to consider… Did Hank Pym have a history of spousal abuse?

It spurred me on to do some google research on the subject. There are views ranging from Hank Pym being irredeemably stained to apologist arguments. The truth is somewhere in between, depending on your point of view and how sympathetic or unforgiving the writer wishes to be. Regardless, it is interesting reading. As you can tell from just the headings, people have their very different takes on what side of the argument we should lean.

Ant-Man & The Wasp Have A Disturbing Incident Of Domestic Abuse In Their Past

Marvel’s First Ant-Man Still Can’t Escape His Abusive Past

What’s Wrong With You? The Hank Pym Issue

How Ant-Man Hank Pym Accidentally Became a Wife-Beater

Hank Pym was Not a Wife-Beater (Blog from Jim Shooter, who wrote the Avengers issue in question)

Read My Mind

Comics I’ve read recently, what I’ve bought, what I’m currently reading (comics and books) and what I’m looking forward to

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – The Ultimate Collection Volume 1

I had no idea the Turtles origins is shared with Daredevils! It was a pretty funny discovery. The same toxic waste that blinded young Matt Murdoch is hinted that it also mutated 4 young turtles and a rat. My initial turtles exposure was like many others, the cartoon series, and I hadn’t delved into the original comics until now, although I knew the source material was definitely edgier. It is gloriously 80’s. There is a charming causal simplicity to the story-telling, but dynamic enough with the art and splash pages to impress. The first 7 issues and a Raphael one-shot. Kevin Eastman provides insights into each issue, with commentary regarding the approach Eastman and Peter Laird took with each issue. Really glad I cracked into this.

Longshot mini-series issues #1 to #6

By Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams. First appearance of X-Man Longshot. Longshot as an X-Men and Mojo as a villain has always been fascinating to me and this is where it all begins. Ann Nocenti does a great job of crafting a fascinating hero and a truly vile bad guy. There is a subtle theme of entertainment, power and our subjugation to it that is expanded with further telling in fascinating ways. Arthur Adams raised the standard of comic art in the 80’s and his pencils are always highly detailed and gorgeous. His backgrounds are dense with specific definition and he play well with light and shadow. Art Adams always does good comic.

X-Men 199, 200

Continuing my Jay & Miles podcast read-a-long, I’m up to X-Men 199 and 200. Big turning point for Magneto as he turns to the side of the angels and Rachael Summers adopts Phoenix. Up to this point I’ve been reading the Claremont run via the Classic X-Men run, and now starting with Issue 201 I can finally swap to my X-Men singles, many I have yet to read.

Enter… The Watcher!!

Movies and TV I’ve watched, currently watching and looking forward to. Any comic related documentaries I think worth a look.

The Witcher

Season 3 of the Witcher really starts to hit it’s stride here. I’ve enjoyed the first two seasons but the supporting characters and overall plot has, for me, been largely forgettable. But there are some truly remarkable, and memorable, episodes in this season. Our 4 main heroes are all brilliant, and brilliantly cast. It will be a shame to lose Henry Cavill for season 4.

Good Omens 2

The on-screen chemistry between the two leads make this show. Martin Sheen’s Angel and David Tennant’s Devil are so much fun together. It’s a light watch, really comfortable and a lot of fun. At just 6 episodes you’d be crazy not to watch this one.

The Expanse (still)

Just finishing up Season 5 with the one more season to go. This is probably the best show I’m watching right now. There are a few episodes showing the character Naomi as she fights through challenge after challenge and trauma to survive which was just fantastic TV and highlights why Naomi may just be the toughest character in the series. Having said that Captain Drummer is my favourite. 😊

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

The musical episode! Not a huge musical guy but I was smiling all the way through this. Loved every minute of it, love these characters, love the episodic nature of the show, absolutely robbed we only get 10 episodes a season. Pony up more Paramount!

Comic Book Showcase

Trek Culture’s Ups and Downs on Youtube are our must watch after every new Star Trek episode. Watching host Seán Ferrick as an uberfan lovingly gush over each episode is a pure joy. But the research they do to reveal the direct references to other Trek shows is a personal favourite. The creators behind recent Star Trek do well to keep all elements in continuity and there is always delightful throwbacks to previous adventures. If you’re a Star Trek Fan, you need this in your eyeballs.

Comics Presents…

Tales of interest from the corners of the internet.

You think Brian Singers X-Men movie from 2000 was the first live action X-Men we got? Even if you count the Generation X TV movie from 1996 you’d be wrong!

Running with the pizza theme from last blog, check out this pizza hut commercial from 1993!

Or even this Hardees commercial from 1995!

Fanfare Featuring…

I reviewed a thing or two.

X-Men #109, the humble beginnings of Alpha Flight, Canada’s premier super-hero team!

The book that dared us to dream of the possibility of a new Star Wars film!

Evin Bryant 23/08/2023