About Me

Sharing my love of Comics and this Community in digital form.

Hi. Welcome to Blue Area of the Moon website.
Why Blue Area of the Moon? Marvel would often refer to itself as the “House of Ideas”, the birthplace of such fascinating characters, adventures and crazy concepts. If such a house would have a location in the Marvel Universe it would surely be in the Blue Area of the Moon, or more specifically the home of Uatu the Watcher. Omnipotent power with strict rules of non-interference, capable of watching a myriad of ‘what if…?’ scenarios where literally anything is possible. This website is an extension of my love of this medium. My posts consist of my thoughts and opinions of any recent developments, articles, discoveries and any flights of fancy that catches my easily distracted eye.

I reference and review comics I’ve gravitated towards or I believe worthy of a greater focus. I intend to have fun with it. My “reviews” will often be more retro comics, written through a prism of nostalgia, rarely about one single issue, always with the full story in mind. If the story comprises of one single issue or a 30 issue crossover event, I’ll try to encompass the full beginning, middle and end. My review maybe a short half-page, token commentary or a 20 page detailed analysis, depending on my want for detail. I often find myself describing the story beats to better determine their impact, so it would be safe to label them with a “spoiler alert” now, but seeing as most of my reviews would be from about 30 years ago, I feel the spoilers aren’t too damaging. I’ll also never review comics with any kind of 5 star rating system. I just don’t believe this system works well for comics, as the different facets and factors required to complete and publish a comic book are too widespread that its near impossible to boil down all these considerations with such a simplistic 5 star or out-of-ten type reviewing system. I recommend reading the review and take from it what you will.

It is my hope your interest would be piqued enough to want to hunt down the comic story reviewed and read it for yourself or enjoy a re-read if you have it tucked away in a long box.
I write for the intent of my own amusement, and hopefully as an extension, yours. I want to encourage you to comment your considerations, your own amusements and passion regarding the material. Comics are for everybody. It’s part of their charm. We’ve all stories to tell, whether they’ve been lived, witnessed or imagined. I’m interested in your opinion.

Thanks, Evin Bryant